I've pretty much neglected this blog and my youtube channel for a long time now, but I'm thinking I might get back into it. I've been natural probably a lot longer than most people (all my life) so if there is something that I've learned that may help someone else out, who am I to be stingy and not share? Today I posted a youtube video asking people for suggestions on what they would like to see and hear about and I have already gotten a comment with some suggestions in the 30 minutes the vid has been posted.
One of the suggestions was to do product reviews. In the past I have stayed away from these for 2 reasons. 1. there are a million reviews out there already. I'm probably not going to say anything anyone else hasn't. 2. Everyone's hair is different and what woks for one person may not work for another. This is why I am more a promoter of the process than the product, which I believe I have said before.
That being said, I am considering doing a couple of product reviews, possibly on my favorite products. I also am considering doing something about getting the most bang for your buck since I have a bit of an issue with how much some of these companies that sell natural hair products like to charge.
At any rate, that's just a preview of what I would like to do. Hopefully some of my youtube subscribers will find their way here and that will be my motivation to continue writing in this blog.
Til next time!